Black Friday promotion, reward system, tabular view, quick search field and more
Dear booklovers!
Firstly we would like to announce that we are launching the Black Friday promotion from today (November 22nd) until December 1st. During this period you will receive unlimited downloads (or 999 downloads) for 31 days for any donation. Don’t miss the chance to enjoy the collection of your favourite books on Christmas days!
We also want to share with you the exciting news: we have redesigned the Top Z-Librarians page and launched a reward system for the most active users! Users will be rewarded according to the rating for a week and a month. At the moment the top of last week: Beowulf, jourmager and the top of October: Big Bang, umberto, jourmager (editors) and FRANCESCO, Glos, AvidReader (uploaders) have already received their awards. We also plan to reward other users who have actively participated in the life of our library (yes, we are talking about those heroes from the Overall rating). Thank you so much for your contribution! Our book collection wouldn’t be the same without your hard work. Do you want to be one of them? You can check the rules here.

As you already know from the previous news, we have translated our site into many languages. But some phrases/ words may have been translated incorrectly and if you notice such a mistake you can suggest your own translation. You need to select the text and press Ctrl + Enter then a special window will appear where you can suggest a correction.

We have also made a switch to a tabular view to be more convenient for you to browse through the search results.

One more small feature: no matter what page you are on, now you can search for a book through the quick search field. You should try it out!

To be honest, we were very surprised to get so many positive comments on the previous post. And some of your stories have been touched to the core! Thank you, guys! It was also nice to hear that you liked our new logo :) By the way, at the moment we are working on 3 big features like "Book request", a new system of categories and telegram bot. Just follow the news ;)
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